Well my trip is coming to an end. Right now we are just enjoying the island life. About to head to the West Coast of Thailand now that the cyclone has moved on (we think??) I miss everyone and thanks for reading my blog.... you guys are making my true passion in life come true.... no not medicine... travel journalism. Holla!
This is Jokia. The other elephant pic was just a baby elephant that wanted to plant one on me... turns out i am irresistable to elephants too. This picture has been retouched by the photography editing master himself... Johnny B (notice there is no creepy old white dude with his shirt off)
This is the part before my arms were almost ripped from my torso as I was sent for a back flip into the water. Let go before you get to the end of the line.... lesson learned.
Me and Vida at one of the random bars on the river while tubing in Vang Vieng. We Love you BEER LAO (that is the sticker from a Beer Lao bottle that i put on vida).
This is from my Thai cooking class.... and yes I cooked all of this.. even the foldy banana leaf thing. This was only half of the 6 dishes we cooked. Tasted awesome!
This is after the bike ride. All we could do was sit in the cabana and take pictures... good thing it had a great view
On our way to go tubing in Vang Vieng with some friends we met. The cool thing about traveling in SE Asia is that you meet so many people.... travel awhile... and then meet new people.
This is after we gave alms to the monks at 6 am in Luang Prabang, Laos. They walk down the streets every morning for food since they are not allowed to cook for themselves.

Awesome, awesome pics!!!! Enjoy the remainder of your trip.
It really is an incredible trip. I was sitting on the beach at sunset today in a hammock listening to The Band "The night they drove old dixie down" (thanks to sharon for introducing me to that awesome album) and thinking life couldnt get any better. I really think that the milestones for my adult life have been: the college days with Megha, Brandi, and Nick, My trip to Belize, Medical School, and now my trip to SE Asia. I think that this is going to be a really good transition for me from medical school to the real world. I have really learned a lot about myself and feel really content with my life and where i am at right now and the person that i have grown up to be... and it makes me kinda proud. On the beach today it felt like heaven... all it was missing was my family and friends. I know that i was in Belize longer... but this feels harder in a different kind of way because i cant talk to you faith nicole. I miss you a lot but it is still good to see your posts on my blog.... did you see mom posted... i was kinda shocked. Love you and give Coop and Haley a big hug and kiss for me.
what creepy white dude with his shirt off on the other side of the elephant? ;) i spend 8 hours a day doing that shit everyday... you don't have a harder assignment for me? i tried posting the retouched pic as a comment... but it wouldn't let me... so i posted it on my blog... check it out! no creepy guy, or floating feet, or random dog...
Stop it, you know I am really crying now!!
We did have a wonderful time today at the "holiday with circus animals" (I volunteered) - Haley was the most adorable Tight Rope Walker you've ever seen. I didn't dress up for the occasion, so Ms. Sally gave me an adorable red ball to adorn on my nose (I was a clown - yippee!) - you know how much I loved that.
Anyway, I'm so happy for you that you've had the opportunity to experience so many wonderful things at such a young age! Definitely living life to the fullest!
Love ya!
I love love love the pictures and I can't wait to see more!!! It looks like you two are having a blast. Work on that farmers tan for me while you are at the beach....maybe you can get it a little less noticable. :) Love you!
Dustin, I love the pics and all of your posts. I cannot even imagine doing all of the things you have done, but glad you are having the opportunity and such a great time. Like your Mom, I wish you and Jami could have experienced your trips together, I have a feeling travel could just be in the 2 of your futures.
Everything is still going well with the house. I am continuing to complete tons of paper to send back and forth to Indiana. Trying to get insurance is being a little more difficult than expected - housing may be cheap in Indy, but they are proud of their insurance!
Faith called last night and said that you have a conflict with the days set up for your move. I'll try to change the schedule, but based on the first discussion about trying to move during this time of year (the busy season), I don't hold out much hope. You may need to start working on having someone else house sit for you during the move days...
Can't wait for you to get home!!!
Love you!
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