Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lovin Luang Prabang

So we arrived in Luang Prabang yesterday and it was interesting before we even got off the plane. There is only one run way and only one plane per day flies into LP. You have to walk out to the terminal (more like a tiny building) and you enter a different world. Once we got into the city it is all old cobblestone streets and French architecture that hasn't changed since the French occupied Laos about 40 years ago. You also see the influence on the baguettes and doughnuts sold by street vendors, French street signs..... but dont let that fool you... no one here speaks anything but Laotian. We were walking through the streets and it is so beautiful. I really don't think i could capture how amazing the natural beauty is here in words on this blog. We saw a small river, the Nam Thang (three rivers merge here in LP.... the Mekong, Nam Thang, and some other one) All the little local kids were swimming in the river and jumping off this rickety old bamboo bridge... so i decided to join in. It was me and about 10 little Laotian kids jumping into this river (which had a really fast current) and all of us in our undies. Cause i was a white kid we caught a little attention by the locals all looking and laughing... i am guessing it was because of my outrageous farmers tan. Probably the most fun i have had while i have been here. It was beautiful... this old bamboo bridge with the muddy water and the Laotian mountains in the background and everything is so green and tropical with all the little kids having a blast. Dont worry... got lots of pictures... but i don't have a card reader here so i think i will have to keep everyone in suspense until i get back home. Then at the night market i bought some old antiques... an old opium pipe and an opium scale all for pretty freaking cheap. Today we head to Vang Vien after a trip to a water fall.


Faith said...

Matt Lauer is in Laos (Vientiane) as we speak...Gma, Haley & I were glued to the Today show this morning...Haley insisted that she saw you washing your face in the Mekong River :) Looks and sounds like a beautiful and amazing place. Love you - have fun!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing all the pictures when you get home.It all sounds wonderful and continues to make me wish I were there with you.Luke is doing great, continuing to take over the bed at night. The condo is officially sold and the money is in the bank.Saw pictures of your home in Indianapolis and it looks like a very nice home. I guess Deb will let me know when you need money.Have also enjoyed reading the blogs of Jaime & Vida. Sounds like India is a very interesting place to visit also.Remember that you also need to leave comments on their blogs. Hopefully before I get too old, I will have the opportunity to visit these places,but I would like to hunt for snakes(poisonous) to capture and milk for their venom.This is all for now---think I will now see if Jaime or Vida have any new blogs. I KNOW I am not very computer literate but I try. Love You Bubba

Aunt Deb said...

I could have sworn that I blogged once today, but since it is not here now, I must have blogged with someone else.

I am continuing to work on a moving company and am currently working on the move to occur May 23rd - the following weekend is Memorial Day. I am asking that they load the truck then and deliver the goods in Indy after June 10th. If this doesn't work for you, let me know SOON.
Sandy has given the okay for a graduation party over at the Greenlawn property if you and Jami still would like to do. I am beginning to look at catering, but need to know if you prefer Mexican, barbecue, or other. Also, will need some type of count. Do you think 40 or more?
Let me know as soon as you can...I'll have maps for everyone to get there.
Have asked the seller to do a few minor repairs on your house. The inspection did not turn up anything major...everything was minor and things you can correct over time (torn screen on patio door, etc).
Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Opium pipe & scale, hmmm. If you are able to get those back to Texas, you probably want to keep them away from your mom & dad. You are reminding me a lot of those 2 in their younger days... And, did you get those things before you stripped down in the river????? Does sound like fun & fantastic memories for when you get old & fat like some of the rest of us! Love getting to experience some excitement through these blogs. Will check on you later, so stay safe & have fun.
Love you,