Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One Night in Bangkok and the worlds my oyster

So that is a reference to a song but I am not sure if my reading audience will get that. BUT... I made it and am having an awesome time. It really is nice to travel alone and meet random new people. I met the coolest tuk tuk driver today (a tuk tuk is a go kart from hell that travels on the highways and i am sure will kill you if it ever gets in a wreck)> Sorry if stuff is spelled wrong but spelling has never been my strong point and i am drunk off cheap thai beer. But after 1 day i am totally templed out... HOLY HELL. tHERE are so many freaking temples here!!! I saw 4 today. Hired a tuk tuk (and survived) and went to 4 temples (or wats... that is basically thai for temple). Switched guesthouses thank sweet baby jesus! THE other one was nasty. So hot here. Met some really cool people. Tonight i am going out to some clubs (aka ping pong shows) with a dude i met from New York via Israel. SO should be interesting to say the least. I just really like being here. So far not home sick at all. Everyone should be glad that i am being ultra safe... nothing illegal so far... haha. Lots of tourists but not many Americans. What i totally wish i had was a Thai phrase book. Jesus... i seriously thought that there would be more English speaking people. There goes my American-everyone-revolve-around-me mentality. But seriously... so frustrating. It is so hard to even say hello or thank you in Thai.... i swear that my mouth cant make that kind of sound. But i am slowly learning. From the sounds of it I CAN speak much better thai than most of the tourists that i have met. But my go to phrase is "how much?" which is probably bad for the walllet.... but considering how much of a cheap skate i am i dont think that there is anything to worry about. Today i got a TUK TUk for 4 hours and only paid the dude $1.50. AND ONE LAST story for the road.... I dont have any pants... and you have to have pants for the temples or they wont let you in... so i rented the most hideous pair of women pajama pants in the world... they were really bad... every american tourist commented on my pants at the temple.... but i dont care cause they were super cheap. I MISS EVERYONE AND CANT WAIT TO SHARE MORE OF MY STORIES.


Faith said...

Glad you are having fun...can't wait to hear more stories and see some pics. I can't believe you didn't even take one pair of pants (do you mean pants as in slacks, or did you not even bring one pair of jeans?) Well, won't keep you long - I'm sure you would much rather being touring the country (that is what Thailand is right? - ha ha - you know I've never been good at Geography...guess I should look that up right now so I know where in the world you are). Have fun - love you!!

Jami said...

Hay Baby! I'm glad that you are having such a good time. Good luck with the language thing!!! I miss you!

Aunt Deb said...

Glad you arrived, but from the sound of your story, you are not being as careful as you promised. Remember that when you get drunk in a foreign country, you could end up with nothing. You are not the savviest drunk I have ever known. PLEASE be careful!!!
And, I love you anyway.

Holly said...

Please be sure to get a picture of those pajamas for us. Who knows, they may end up0 being the next big American fad! ;